0131 668 3070 admin@sivessurfacing.com

Outdoor Soft Play Surfaces

Outdoor Soft Play Surfaces

Outdoor soft play surfaces can be found in parks, play areas and school playgrounds and are known as wet-pour surfaces and are great for all weathers. The material makes it safe, especially for younger children as it allows water to be drained through it rather than overflowing and making the area slippy in heavy rain.

The surface is installed in two different layers, which is made from firstly a shock pad made from rubber to make the area softer and safer in case of any falls. The top layer is made from rubber granules and can be customized in different colours to fit the design of the area.

We can install your outdoor play surface in various colours and designs to make sure you get what you need from the area. The surface can be made from simply one colour, or can even include games or educational activities for those playing on the service itself.

We’ve been providing quality road, car park, footpath and cycleway surfacing services for over 30 years.  We offer years of experience, knowledge and first class customer service. We undertake road and highway surfacing jobs of all sizes including public, private, agricultural and commercial projects. We offer a comprehensive road surfacing service, including full-depth road construction, track construction, road planning and overlay installation.

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91B West Savile Terrace, Edinburgh, EH9 3DP


0131 668 3070



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