0131 668 3070 admin@sivessurfacing.com


Environment and Sustainability

  • JSS are committed to protecting the environment
  • Waste materials are remove from site and are returned to the quarries for recycling in to secondary materials
  • The Circular Economy is an integral part of our practice
  • We use multiple seat vehicles to transport our crews, reducing our carbon emissions
  • Where possible we do not have idling vehicles
  • Back loading is used to cut down on vehicles on the road
  • Preferred suppliers for recycled plastic roads by Macrebur
  • JSS have a continuous training programme
  • Equal and inclusive employers
  • Where possible – recycled material is available to the client as an option

Call us Today to discuss your requirements

Contact Us


91B West Savile Terrace, Edinburgh, EH9 3DP


0131 668 3070



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